Currently there is a rumour going on, that Electronic Arts might cut the Need for Speed series. Read this, posted on 1UP:
Not more than a month after the release of Need For Speed:
Undercover, the Electric Playground is reporting that Electronic Arts
may be cutting the franchise entirely. The videogame web show claims
that future titles in the series have been canceled. EA director of
communications Colin Macrae provided Electric Playground with the
following comment:
"We're working through a process on people, products, and facilities at EA and don't have any announcements today."
Undercover, the most recent entry in the long-running franchise, was
received fairly well but didn't crack the top 20 in the NPD sales
charts for the month of November.
With the last episode of Electric Playground a rumour is going on, that EA is cutting the Need for Speed series. According to the onlinemagazine Joystiq
this might not be entirely true. Instead of shutting down NFS, EA wants
to close the EA Black Box Studios in Vancouver, which developed the
latest NFS games, and move the development team to the larger studios
in Burnaby.
Joystiq's source says, that the next NFS game in the series will be developed by Criterion, the developers of the Burnout series
and most likely use their own engine. The three teams from EA Black Box
currently developing NFS will consolidate into one drastically
downsized team, leading into less NFS releases with more continuity.
There is no official confirmation from EA yet, but we might can expect more information this week.